You are told that so many times are that CARBS are making you fat.
Here is the truth and it’s not what you think….
The Secret is in the sauce
Rice, Potatoes and Pasta are the normal fall guys in the food world for making you fat.
Oh and Bread.
I want to share one thing with you that you must know.
All food groups contain Calories:
Carbs: 4 calories Per gram
Protein:4 Calories Per gram
Fats: 9 Calories Per gram
(learn more about Calories watch this vid
So to write this article for you I asked my current Clients want they thought were
there favourite high carb foods:
Ice Cream
All high Carb foods.
However their is a little secret in the sauce which probably the biggest thing
causing you weight gain is not the carbs… its the fat…..
Let me show you
Fatty Food dressed in Carb Clothing.
When you think of Carbs you think of sugar or bread like foods right?
But in order to make certain foods even more palatable and enticing you need to
add some fats.
Fats have a load of calories when you mix carbs and fats you get you face down in Ice cream and pizza on a Friday night.
Let’s take Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Chocolate…..
In a 42g Bar you have the following.
13g of fat
25g of carbs
So in a 230 calorie bar.
117 calories are from fat and only 100 calories from carbs
Ok want another one?
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream - Cookie Dough.
15g of Fat
25g of Carbs
So you now have
135 calories of fat
120 calories of Carbs
Ok just one more.
Walkers Cheese and onion Crisps
5g of fat
13g of carbs
52 calories from carbs
45 calories from fats
So the in all of those cases the fats are a high component of the food.
It’s what you have with it the counts….
Let’s take the humble potato
Potatoes 148g
0g fat
26g of carbs
Thats a decent helping for just over 100 calories.
Add on some Cheddar Cheese and a sauce……
30g of cheese is 120 calories
that’s more than the Potato itself eeek!!
Please remember this fats are not bad, there are pretty essential.
However you need to look at the overall calorific value of foods that
you think may be high carb but are actually higher in fat than you realise.
Overall Calories in your food matter most. So look at the overall calories in your food before you demonise one particular food group.