Ladies I know you love a list, I do too. It helps me organise my teeny weeny man brain. So I wanted to give you a few big rocks that I think will focus your mind on losing fat the right way. This list is not the only three but I think these are pretty important for everyone on a fat loss journey. Let's be honest we have all tried a shortcut to weight loss and often it has ended in you giving up after 2 minutes or a massive rebound on body fat. So let's dive into the 3 things you must have for fat loss. 1. YOU MUST BE IN A CALORIE DEFICITLow Carb, No Carb, Herbal Life , Carb backloading etc etc all have one aim. To get you into a calorie deficit. What's that Greg? Literally a situation where you are consuming less calories than you are using. Pretty simple really. However it's easy to over eat if you don't have any idea what calories are in your food. Of course tracking your food is not for everyone. However doing a 3 day track using something like myfitnesspal will give you a good idea of your food consumption. First up you need to know how many calories you need for maintenance. Then workout a small deficit. the smaller the better. Track if for a week and ensure you are in a deficit across a week. No you can't ''cheat'' at the weekend either. It's easy to blow your weekly deficit across the course of a few proseccos and jaeger bombs. Honesty TimeLies and more lies. You hate them right? From that little white lie your partner tells you about that night out when his phone was switched off. So when it comes to tracking your calories you have to be the example and be honest. Log everything. Leaving out that chocolate bar might take out 300 calories from your calories needs for the day. When you get to the checking your progress those "forgotten" chocolate bars may be the difference in you shedding that unwanted fat. If you eat it, drink it log it. Greg I have no Time to track... REALLY!!!Honestly the above can be an easy excuse to not getting that fat loss you want. You see what you focus on you have time for. One of my favourite things I notice is that you have time to watch loose women but not 5 minutes to log what you have consumed after each meal. In fact you log it before you eat it. Making time to understand what you are consuming will give you a very good idea about what you are eating and what is stopping your results. Yes life gets busy but if you can get this right 90% of the time you are on your way to better results. You can eat what you want to a point..CoachLike you I love food and I have a weakness for two things wine gums and chicken. Chicken as we know is pretty awesome for protein.
However I can wolf down a pack of wine gums faster than you can eat a chocolate bar. Try me. What I know is that wine gums are pretty calorific , about 600 calories for a 190g pack. I can plan in when I might have some. Of course your nutrition should include plenty of lean protein sources, vegetables and carbohydrates. However having something you love while staying in a calorie deficit is because no one wants to eat chicken and broccoli all day. Let's be honest, watching your calories is pretty simple on the face of it but it takes time and practice. It's not for everyone but if you are not seeing results then tracking your calories for a while can be hugely beneficial for everyone. Keep an eye out for part 2 coming soon. Coach Greg |