Ladies are your kids making you gain weight?
They could well be. As a parent I know you love to indulge your kids. You want to nurture them and feel like what you do, makes them happy. However this indulgence may be making you fatter. Here’s how?
They could well be. As a parent I know you love to indulge your kids. You want to nurture them and feel like what you do, makes them happy. However this indulgence may be making you fatter. Here’s how?
The sad step Harbinger of doom Naughty step Aka the scales. You see i’m on a mission to help ladies get off the scale and focus on the things they need to, that get you the results you want. Here are 5 areas you should focus on that will get you closer to your body …
So you have decided to get in shape. Trust me it will be the best thing you have ever done in your life. There are also some great benefits to getting in shape that you might not expect so im going to share these with you now. 1. You make new friends Probably the biggest …
I promise those are not my feet, purple nails is how i roll! And talking of rolls…. I just wanted to tell you why I don’t care about your weight! Yep honest I don’t give a monkeys about how much the scales say you weigh! Here’s why…. I don’t care about your weight ! I’m …
So if you read Part 1 of this series you will see I talked about being in a calorie deficit. Taking in less calories than you consume is the number 1 law when it comes fat loss. However I think this is even more important to you reaching your goals. Ready to find out more? …
You know how it goes…. It’s 2pm and it’s been a long day. You hit the gym this morning and you have eaten really well, your nutrition has been on point all week. Lunch was a nutritious meal full of veg and protein. You have been smashing it. Then Ethel (Sorry Ethel’s) from account’s announces …
3 ways your nearest & dearest sabotage your weight loss!!! Read More »
3 Things you MUST have for fat loss Part 1 22/5/2016 0 COMMENTS Ladies I know you love a list, I do too. It helps me organise my teeny weeny man brain. So I wanted to give you a few big rocks that I think will focus your mind on losing fat the right way. …